Package-level declarations
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This method returns a dependency object for the sweetspi-processor
which can be used to manually add dependency on it.
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This method returns a dependency object for the sweetspi-runtime
which can be used to manually add dependency on it.
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Adds the sweet-spi runtime and KSP processor dependencies to the specified Kotlin compilation.
fun KotlinProjectExtension.withSweetSpi(compilationFilter: (KotlinCompilation<*>) -> Boolean = {"main", ignoreCase = true) })
Adds the sweet-spi runtime and KSP processor dependencies to the compilations of all targets.
fun KotlinTarget.withSweetSpi(compilationFilter: (KotlinCompilation<*>) -> Boolean = {"main", ignoreCase = true) })
Adds the sweet-spi runtime and KSP processor dependencies to the compilations of this target.