
Provides functionality for dynamically loading service implementations using the Service Provider Interface (SPI) mechanism.

It works in conjunction with Service and ServiceProvider annotations:

  • interfaces or abstract classes annotated with Service can be retrieved using this loader.

  • implementations of these services are identified using the ServiceProvider annotation.


// module: A
interface SimpleService {
fun saySomethingSweet()

// module: A, B or even in a library!
object SimpleServiceImpl : SimpleService {
override fun saySomethingSweet() {
println("Kotlin is Awesome")

// module: A, B, C or may be not even in your codebase...
fun main() {
ServiceLoader.load<SimpleService>().forEach { service ->


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inline fun <T : Any> load(): List<T>
fun <T : Any> load(cls: KClass<T>): List<T>

Retrieves a list of services of the specified type T, which must be annotated with Service. Providers of these services must be annotated with ServiceProvider.